Each team submits a 1 minute pitch video before the hacking phase is over (1:30 PM).
Four Juries total:
Focus Topics (FT): One Jury per FT, provided by Flagship Partners.
Open Topic (OT): One Jury, provided by VC partner(s).
Three winner teams per FT.
One winner team from OT.
Every winner in FT (3*3=9) gets a prize:
The prizes are decided and provided by the Partners.
The OT winner won't get a prize.
Each winner team (10 teams total) pitches their project on stage.
For time schedule look here: Presentations & Ceremony.
All participants will vote to decide which of the 10 teams was the best / had the best idea / solution
One winner.
The one winner gets a final prize of 5.000 €
For the FT: the Partners will provide everything needed for their juries and critic after their own criteria.
For the OT: the VC partners will judge the OT.